Biographies | Historical Overviews | Special Interest Topics | Full List (one page)

P. T. Barnum – World’s Greatest Showman
You’ll delight in the dazzling career of this flamboyant showman and early millionaire. Learn how he survived innumerable tragedies thanks to his deep faith and positive attitude. Explore his moving personal history, meet his famous human curiosities, and learn of his great triumph – the introduction of the world-renowned Jenny Lind to America. You’ll be truly inspired ...

Two Thomas Hart Bentons – The Senator and the Painter
The colorful lives of the controversial Bentons provide us with a fascinating look at two great Missourians. The fiery Senator Thomas Hart Benton survived several duels, championed the territorial expansion of the US and bravely fought to keep Missouri in the union. His great grand-nephew and namesake, the renowned painter who gained fame for his murals ...

The Winston Churchills and the Marriage that Saved the World
This intimate history reveals the fascinating dynamics in the little known love story between two amazing people, Winston and Clementine Churchill. Clementine was both Intelligent and beautiful and believed in the greatness of her husband. She dedicated her life to his controversial career. Brilliant, dynamic and self-centered, Winston sought her sage advice and needed her ...

The St. Louis Mystery – Hoax or Literary Phenomena
Learn about the fascinating, bizarre story of the St. Louis housewife, Pearl Curran, who became a celebrated poet and novelist in the early 20th century. Although poorly educated, she began channeling the words of brilliant, talented Patience Worth via an Ouija board. The unanswered question is who really produced this remarkable literature? You’ll also learn about Spiritualism, ...

Frank Lloyd Wright: Impossible Genius
This fascinating history of the great 20th-century architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, encompasses his complex family background, his stunning innovative buildings, as well as personal tragedies and scandals. The events that shocked the world included the murder of his mistress and six others, multiple fires, and tumultuous love affairs. Wright introduced timeless modernity and organic architecture ...

Defenders of the Damned: Unforgettable Defense Lawyers
Prepare to be alternately surprised, amused and sometimes infuriated by these flamboyant defense attorneys. From the 1920s, we’ll cover the remarkable careers, cases and colorful lives of the great Clarence Darrow renowned for the famous Scopes Monkey trial; William J. Fallon, who defended over 125 homicides and never lost a trial; and Earl Rodgers, the ...

Secrets of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI
Examine the exciting history of America’s most powerful crime fighting agency and the manipulative, calculating man who ran the bureau with an iron-fist – J. Edgar Hoover. Learn about his secretive abuses of power and strange personal behavior. We’ll cover the most significant cases from the gangster wars to organized crime to cyber crime in this ...

Charles Lindbergh – Hero and Hypocrite
Meet the complex, disturbing man who was one of America’s most famous and strange heroes. Trace his amazing story including the daring solo non-stop flight across the Atlantic, the tragic murder of his baby son, his role in the space program, and his part in developing an artificial heart. We’ll examine his fascination with Nazi Germany ...

Richard Nixon: An American Tragedy
Learn the “behind the headlines” story of Richard Nixon, one of the darkest, most controversial and complex figures in our history. Rising from a bleak childhood, he catapulted from congress to the pinnacle of politics, the presidency. The story of this lonely, introverted man’s accomplishments and his questionable actions in Vietnam and Watergate, ending in ...

Joseph Pulitzer, Father of Journalism
The fascinating story of the 19th century’s brilliant publishing magnate, Joseph Pulitzer, covers his immigrant beginnings, his move to St. Louis and his newspaper empire. Included in Pulitzer’s colorful history is the famous “yellow journalism” rivalry with William Randolph Hearst, his struggle with ill health and eventual blindness, and his ultimate achievements – the creation of ...

Will Rogers: The Man Everyone Loved
Meet the warm and witty man who was called “the most popular American who ever lived.” The story of Will Rogers, a Cherokee Indian from Oklahoma, encompasses his career as a cowboy, vaudevillian, social commentator, international humorist, columnist, and popular movie star. His political wit and astute observations made him world-famous but never pleased his ...

The Remarkable Eleanor Roosevelt
Born into a privileged and prejudiced family, that was ravaged by alcoholism, Eleanor Roosevelt overcame all obstacles to become an extraordinary leader and feminist. The biography of the shy, plain girl who married her handsome cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a multi-level story. After bearing six children and enduring a domineering mother-in-law, Eleanor’s dreams were ...

The Indomitable Theodore Roosevelt
Discover the fascinating history of one of the most gifted and controversial figures of the 20th century. Theodore Roosevelt, our 26th president, turned himself from a sickly, asthmatic child into a robust and powerful leader. He fought corruption, championed progressive reform, wrote 50 books, and led the cause of conservationism. Known for his dynamic and exuberant personality, ...

A Tale of God, Greed and Money: The Rockefeller Sagas
Unravel the unbelievably complex story of John D. Rockefeller, billionaire founder of Standard Oil. This controversial tycoon was both a hated, greedy industrialist and a deeply religious philanthropist. He spent his life trying to prove he was nothing like his shady bigamist father. Rockefeller’s descendants would be plagued with tragedy – plane crashes, cannibalism and love affairs – ...

Theatrical Giants: P. T. Barnum, “Buffalo Bill” Cody, and Florenz Ziegfeld
Truly larger than life! You’ll delight in the dazzling careers of three flamboyant, colorful showmen. From the circus to Wild West Shows and on to Broadway, these entertainment masters introduced such stars as: Tom Thumb, Jenny Lind, Annie Oakley, Sitting Bull, Eddie Cantor, and Fanny Brice. While their theatrical extravaganzas once thrilled audiences around the ...

Three Women: The Treacherous, The Bold and the Brilliant
Meet three diverse but equally unique women: Peggy Shippen, the young, beautiful wife of Benedict Arnold who orchestrated the betrayal of America and feigned madness in the process; Nellie Bly, the daring and talented reporter who gave voice to the voiceless by exposing the horrors in an insane asylum among other scandals; and Marie ...

Harry Truman: Much More than an Ordinary Man
The story of Missouri’s most famous son includes his difficult early life, his bravery in war, and his rise in the powerful Pendergast political machine. Truman proved himself to be a man of great integrity in the US Senate and then as president. He was never afraid to make tough decisions like using the atomic bomb, ...

Mark Twain: his Wit, his Words, and his Life
Learn the surprising story of America’s most beloved author while laughing at his wonderful observations on human nature. Follow this Missouri born writer’s great successes and personal happiness as well as his tragic personal and financial losses. You’ll discover the flawed and charming man who invented the American voice and became one of our greatest icons.
Historical Overviews

The Funny History of American Comedy
Enjoy a humorous analysis of the last century of American comedy in this unusual presentation. What is funny? Who makes us laugh? How has comedy influenced our history? Take a madcap look at the greats from vaudeville, radio, movies, theater, TV and stand-up and examine the tears behind the laughter of these brilliant artists. Discover how comedians ...

Flapper Era: Gateway to Modernity
Join us for a delightful, informative look at ten years that forever changed America. Flappers in the roaring twenties discarded the corset and conservatism of the Victorians and defiantly brought about changes in sexual mores, fashion, music, culture, and religion, society would never be the same again. Discover the reasons for change and meet flamboyant characters ...

Funky Funerals and Funny Epitaphs
Your view of “Rest in Peace” will never be the same after this historical overview of quirky, strange, and interesting burial traditions. Learn the reasons behind the customs starting with the first burials 200,000 years ago. Who buried their dead women but hung the men from trees, and why? What religion digs up ...

Amusing History of Kitchens and Cutlery and Manners
Examine the unique origins of items we use every day on our tables and in our kitchens. You will be amused by the hilarious etiquette and manners promoted by the well-bred throughout the ages. Would you believe the reason table knives weren’t sharpened was to discourage guests from picking their teeth with their knives; ...

From the Beautiful to the Bizarre: The History of Makeup
Follow the fascinating history of makeup from the early Egyptians to today’s multi-million dollar cosmetic empires. The search to be beautiful includes the bizarre customs of other cultures, dramatic changes through plastic surgery, and many unusual and amusing treatments – all in the name of beauty.

History of the Muny, the Stars and the Music that Reflected the Turbulent Times
Join us for a backstage look at the multi-layered history of the oldest and largest outdoor theater in the country, the Muny Opera of St. Louis. This renowned treasure recently celebrated its 100th anniversary. Usually glorious, sometimes controversial, always interesting, the Muny story reflects the changes in St. Louis and on Broadway. Many of ...

Triumph over Polio: The tragedy and the triumph!
This fascinating social history covers the gripping drama of the polio terror and the effort to find a cure. It includes suspenseful stories of the race and intense rivalry between Jonas Salk and Albert Sabine for a life-saving vaccine; the creation of the March of Dimes, led by FDR, which revolutionized medical research and fundraising; ...

The World’s Oldest Profession
Take a detailed look at a controversial and seldom explored topic. You’ll learn about the great courtesans of history from biblical to present times, the notorious houses of ill repute like Chicago’s Everleigh Club run by the infamous Everleigh sisters, the political leaders whose careers were ended by ladies of the night, and the legislation to ...

The Naked Truth about Undergarments
Ever wonder how and why underwear got under there? Uncover the “brief” history of the loincloth, bra, corsets, girdles and more. We’ll expose the bare truth about Genghis Khan and King Tut’s unmentionables when we peek underneath it all to see the private and personal side of clothing throughout the centuries.

Beneath the Veil: The Story of the Veiled Prophet
For 135 years, the Veiled Prophet has been a uniquely St. Louis creation. The colorful story includes murder, suicide, an abdication, a shocking unveiling, as well as civil unrest! Learn about the fascinating history of the Veiled Prophet organization, as well as the spectacular parade and the glamorous debutante ball.

History of Weddings: Why we do what we do when we say I do!
Learn the origin of marriage customs and how they are interpreted today in this amusing and fast-paced examination of wedding traditions. Why does the bride toss her bouquet? Where did the idea of a “Best Man” originate? Why is the bride carried over the threshold? How was the bride’s garter used as a sign the marriage ...
Special Interest Topics

Those Daring Dames of History
Discover the famous and infamous risk takers who made history by flouting the rules, beating the odds, and defying conventions. Their brave, often brazen actions, determined the course of history. These colorful characters include the woman who burned London to the ground for the rape of her daughters, the Irish pirate queen who negotiated ...

St. Louis Disasters and Survivors
Learn about the terrible calamities endured by the people of St. Louis. This includes a double punch in the tragic year of 1849 when a devastating fire and a major cholera epidemic struck. Cholera killed 6% of the population and no one knew the cause. Bad air, publishing on Sundays and even sauerkraut were suspected. Discover ...

Faith Healers or Fake Healers – You Decide
Examine the colorful careers of some of the most popular and controversial faith healers of the 20th century, including the charismatic Aimee Semple McPherson who rose to fame in the 1920s. Her story of cures, kidnappings and disputes continues to captivate us today. Other intriguing “healers” to be discussed are Marjoe Gortner, the child evangelist who ...

Famous Feuds and Rivalries
History is filled with amazing tales of smoldering hatreds and life-long animosities. In this presentation, we will examine some of the wildest and most famous feuds and rivalries. Among them is the journalism war between the queens of Hollywood gossip, Louella Parsons and Hedda Hopper; the non-speaking rivalry of sisters and Academy Award winning actresses, ...

The Stirring Story of the Germans in St. Louis
Trace the amazing history of German immigrants as they made their mark on St. Louis. Examine the story of these hard-working, intelligent people, the rise of the powerful breweries, the cruel “hate-the-Hun” movement during WWI, as well as their cultural and social contributions.

Gone with the Wind x2
Margaret Mitchell was a beautiful, complex, feisty Southern belle who wrote one book that catapulted her to unbelievable wealth and fame. “Gone With the Wind” became the most popular novel in America, won a Pulitzer Prize and changed Mitchell’s life forever. The filming of her iconic Southern romance was as fascinating as her ...

The Inspiring History of the Irish in St. Louis
Follow the moving account of St. Louis’ Irish immigrants in their struggle to survive bigotry and discrimination. You’ll learn that the average life span in the ghetto was 14; how violent gangs ruled and fought for turf in the impoverished area known as the Kerry Patch; how men were met with signs of ...

Medical Quackery, Fraud and Flimflam
Bizarre treatments and worthless patent medications abounded in the early 20th century. You’ll be amazed and amused at some of history’s most outrageous hucksters, including the doctor who transplanted goat testicles on thousands of men as a treatment for fading virility. You’ll learn how nervous dispositions and cranky babies were calmed with popular preparations of alcohol ...

The Unbelievable Stories of Famous Multiple Births
Learn about the world-renowned Dionne quintuplets who were taken from their parents as babies and made wards of the Canadian government. Raised in isolation and exhibited to 100,000 spectators each month, the five little girls were abruptly returned to their relatively unknown family when they were nine, creating even more problems. We’ll also check on ...

Murderers on Trial: Famous St. Louis Crimes
St. Louis has been the scene of numerous spell-binding murder trials. Learn the full story behind the most shocking and fascinating events in our rich history including: the killer driller, dentist Glennon Engleman; the sad girl who was dying to get married – and did, Julie Bullock; and the heart-breaking murder of teen-ager Tina ...

Supreme Court: Justices for All
You’ll be enlightened and entertained by this fascinating review of the United States Supreme Court and how it really works. This presentation covers famous cases and the colorful Justices who decided them. You’ll meet William Douglas whose personal life was as controversial as his decisions; Sandra Day O’Connor who couldn’t get a ...

Weird Tales of Love, Art, Baseball and Madness
This unique talk will include a variety of amazing topics including the world’s strangest love story, the funniest and most fascinating man in baseball, and the greatest art hoax ever perpetrated (it even fooled Hitler). Other subjects include the sad, strange fate of wealthy recluse brothers who seemed to have it all. ...

Women Entrepreneurs: Breaking the Glass Ceiling
Meet the fascinating women who broke barriers to succeed in business where no women had gone before. Pioneer entrepreneurs from the cosmetic industry include Elizabeth Arden, Helena Rubenstein, Madame C. J. Walker, and Estee Lauder; from aviation came Olive Beech and in publishing, Katharine Graham whose Washington Post exposed Watergate and the ...